Wasiirka cusub ee Wasaarada Isgaadhsiinta iyo Tiknooloojiyadda JSL iyo Wasiir ku-xigeenka cusub ayaa kulan xog waraysi ah la yeeshay Gudida Fulinta Mashruuca EARDIP ee uu maalgalinayo Bangiga Adduunku

Wasiirka cusub ee Wasaarada Isgaadhsiinta iyo Tiknooloojiyadda JSL iyo Wasiir ku-xigeenka cusub ayaa kulan xog waraysi ah la yeeshay Gudida Fulinta Mashruuca EARDIP ee uu maalgalinayo Bangiga Adduunku.
Hargeisa (WIHT)-Wasiirka cusub ee Wasaarada Isgaadhsiinta iyo Tiknooloojiyadda Mudane Jamaal Maxamed Jaamac iyo Wasiir ku-xigeenka cusub Mudana Maaliki Cabdi Xasan ayaa kulan xog waraysi ah la yeeshay Gudida Fulinta Mashruuca EARDIP ee uu maalgalinayo Bangiga Adduunku.
Mashruucan oo ay fulinayso Wasaarada Isgaadhsiinta iyo Tiknooloojiyadda JSL waxa ka warbixiyey Gudida Fulinta Mashruuca EARDIP. Guddida ayaa xog dhamays tiran Wasiirka iyo Ku-xigeenkiisa ka siiyay Mashruuca iyo waxa u qabsoomay iyo qorshayaasha fulineed inta uu Mashruucani socdo.
Ugu danbayn, Wasiirka iyo Ku-xigeenkiisa ayaa waxa ay iska daba mareen muhiimada uu Mashruucani dalka u leeyahay iyo sida ay waajib u tahay in la xaqiijiyo yoolasha Mashruucan. Waxa sidoo kale ay xoojiyeen in dhankooda ay ka go'an tahay in Mashruucani guulasyto dalkuna ka faaido.
The new Minister of the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology-MICT of Somaliland and the new Deputy Minister held an informative meeting with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the EARDIP-SL Project funded by the World Bank.
Hargeisa (WIHT) - The new Minister of the Ministry of Communications and Technology, Mr. Jamaal Maxamed Jaamac, and the new Deputy Minister, Mr. Maaliki Cabdi Xasan, held an informative meeting with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the EARDIP-SL Project funded by the World Bank.
The project, which is being implemented by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology - MICT, The PIU headed by the Project coordinator provided comprehensive information to the Minister and his Deputy about the project, its achievements, and the implementation plans while the project is ongoing.
Finally, the Minister and his Deputy emphasized the importance of this project to the country and the necessity of achieving its goals. They also reinforced their commitment to ensuring the project's success and that the country should benefit from it.