Major Duties and Responsibilities
The Telecom department is responsible for: -
- Prepare regulations, policies, and guidelines for the telecommunications sector.
- Managing the country’s frequency spectrum and numbering resources.
- Issue License all systems and services in telecommunications and broadcasting.
- Renew licenses, and supervise the execution of these licenses.
- Conduct research and development in the field.
- Establish rules of interconnection and review contracts of interconnection.
- Encourage competition in the field of telecom.
- Monitor tariffs and prevent non-competitive behavior.
- Ensure market transparency.
- Act as a mediator to resolve disputes arising between licensees.
- Formulate standards and procedures for the review of complaints.
Shadia Abdi Khalif
Department Director
Telecom Department
Ministry of Information and Communication Technology
The Republic of Somaliland
Phone: +252-65-4125950